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August 23, 2011


World’s worst zoo in Malaysia?

  • August 23, 2011
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  • Malaysia: The government-run zoo in Johor Baru is supposedly the worst zoo in the world.  There are crocodiles in waterless enclosures, wild cats caged in tiny prisons and an orangutan allowed to smoke.
    Malaysian Zoo
    A trip to the zoo on the weekends is always fun and entertaining for kids and adults.  But in Malaysia visitors and tourists don’t head towards the zoo.
    The zoo, supervised by the government is said to be the most careless and irresponsible for the animals are not treated well or looked after with care. Lions and tigers are prisoned in small cages while crocodiles can no longer remain amphibians because their enclosures have no water.  The creatures struggle and live on without H2O.
    The worst case in the entire zoo is of Shirley, the 25 year-old Orangutan.  She spends her time with her mate Abu.  The two compete with each other for cigarettes thrown by visitors.  There’s are reason behind her cigarette-picking: Shirley’s a chain smoker.
    Shirley the Chain-smoker
    The zoo has a huge sign saying, “No smoking”, that is obviously not effective since Shirley is permitted to smoke by heedless zookeepers.  The bored Orangutan spends her time tearing through cans and wrappers littered near her cage.
    Shirley the chain-smoker
    Shirley is addicted to smoking to the extent that she reaches out her long arms out of her cage begging for cigarettes.
    The animals in the Malaysian zoo are forced to perform for tourists even though it is banned.
    Read the full story at Mail Online.

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