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August 13, 2011


PM appoints US cop as riots adviser, UK police up in arms

  • August 13, 2011
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  • LONDON: British PM David Cameron has asked a former police chief from New York and Los Angeles to become his temporary crime adviser in a bid to end the unrest in the country, a report said.

    This has, however, led to complaints from the British police association, reported Sky News.

    Cameron asked 63-year-old Bill Bratton, the former chief of police in New York and Los Angeles, to help him.

    This move has angered Scotland Yard`s Inspectors Branch Board, who say they are better placed to offer guidance. "The Association of Chief Police Officers and the Federation understand British legislation and are in a much better place to advise PM than an American," the assocaition said. "Why won`t the PM consult us?" it asked.

    A leader of Greater Manchester Police Federation, which represents police interests`, said UK did not need somebody "who lives 5,000 miles away", and said the only thing the police needed was more funding. "There is anger, there is disappointment," Ian Hanson said.

    "What we`ve witnessed this week has been British policing at its absolute best. The police leadership has also stepped forward in support of their officers and the service and now to be given this slap in the face by the PM and told that he wants to bring in Bill Bratton to cure all policing ills."

    Bratton is "no stranger" to policing in Britain, having teamed up with British officers at other times over the past 20 years.

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